Come join us for an evening of hilarious entertainment for a great cause! Elizabeth Klonowski Gadus still awaits new lungs (read more about her condition at the above link on "Alpha-1"), but is no less immune to the comic charms of the Something DADA improvisational troop! Be a part of the fun that starts at 7:00 PM with light refreshments, beautiful Elizabeth art creations available for purchase, cash bar, and fantastic silent auction (stay tuned to see a list of our generous donors!) but the shenanigans REALLY start with our evening's entertainment! Don't miss out on this opportunity to see Cleveland's own funniest folks while simultaneously bringing life-saving help to our own sweet "Queen" Elizabeth!

Tickets are ONLY $12 each and include yummy food, an amazing array of biddable and buyable goods, a side-splitting performance by Something DADA, and the knowledge you've helped the life of a friend. :)

Purchase your tickets quickly before they sell out!! You can order by phone at (216) 521-2540 or reserve online at (make sure you choose the October 1st date!)

*Please note that this event is not appropriate for young children

If you are unable to join us, please consider making a secure, online donation here!

We hope to see you there!!

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